Google Brings Street View, Archival Images And Photos To The Eiffel Tower

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Google Brings Street View, Archival Images And Photos To The Eiffel Tower

The Google street view team has another mission, capture the Eiffel Tower.

The team is making 360 degree views of all the floors of the Eiffel tower.

Recently, the team also capture the world’s largest building the Burj Khalifa.

These new plans feature over 50 archival images, plans, engravings and photos that tell “the story of the Eiffel Tower’s development and social impact in the 19th century.”

Gustave Eiffel’s voice by Thomas Edison is one of the highlights of the exhibit.

Sadly, Google had to take it’s street view trolley up the Eiffel tower on a somewhat cloudy day so the views are not as breathtaking as some locals say they should be.

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