Hugo Barra Exits Google

hugo barra exits google

Hugo Barra Exits Google

We’ve verified a review that Android operating system VP Hugo Barra is making Search engines for “Apple of China” Xiaomi.

The review was timed to match with another tale about the dissolution of Search engines co-founder Sergey Brin’s wedding to 23andMe co-founder Angel Wojcicki. It also exposed that a individual whom Hugo Barra had been in a past connection with was now relationship Brin.

Barra’s making was said to be “unrelated” to the above.

Barra had been at Search engines since Goal 2008, arriving over from Nuance where he was a Item Administrator. In his five decades at Search engines he proved helpful his way up from Item Administrator to Vice Chief executive of Android operating system Item Control and obtained many lovers. Xiaomi co-founder/president (and former Googler) Lin Bin himself declared on Sina Weibo that Barra will begin as Xiaomi Vice Chief executive this Oct.

According to AllThingsD, the divided between Brin and his spouse was friendly and will not effect Search engines from a company viewpoint. It’s less obvious whether Brin’s new connection will have a company effect, as all symptoms factor to it being with an personal on the Search engines Cup Promotion group. Brin manages Search engines Cup from an item viewpoint, though PR and Promotion do not straight review to him.

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