Lyft and Uber Introduce Ride Sharing Service


As Lyft continues to prove stiff competition for Uber, the company just announced a new ride sharing service that allows users to carpool with other passengers. 

As competition heats up between the transport- tech companies, Uber has added more ride options to its growing list of services.

Lyft also announced a car pool service called Lyft Line, and in order to kickstart the competition, the start up has also offered the first ride free for those whose bill does not exceed $25.

Uber’s new ride sharing service, UberPool will allow users to split fares with other passengers heading in the same direction as them.

This not only makes Uber much more affordable, but its also great for the environment.

According to sources who have studied the algorithm, passengers can save around 10 percent by ride sharing with one other passenger, but when sharing with more, the discount could be closer to 40 percent.

Lyft Line quoted passenger sharing savings of closer to 60 percent in some areas, helping to attract more customers.

The new service is set to be available across the country in the coming months.


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