George Lucas and Steven Spielberg Predict Fall of Film Industry Due To Technology

lucas and spielberg film industry

George Lucas and Steven Spielberg Predict Fall of Film Industry Due To Technology

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas had a recent talk at USC and the pair agreed that the film industry was going to have a “massive implosion” due to the tech industry. Notably, they are blaming easily accesible content through the internet and all of the devices that you can now access internet and content from.

The studios in Hollywood live and die on homerun films, they can’t survive on mediocre performances. It’s like a startup, many fail and many go on to do extremely well. People either love or hate films for the most part. And, if they don’t love them, then they sure aren’t making tons of money, even with the brightest marketing strategy.

The summer is always filled with the biggest films and biggest bests as well. Sometimes it costs over $300 million to produce and market some really big films. And studios are hopeful to pull in a billion in box office, DVD and merchandising but it doesn’t always happen and the tech industry sure isn’t helping studios make more money.


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