Is North Korea Really Responsible for the Attacks on Sony?

the interview

Is North Korea really responsible for the recent string of cyber attacks on Sony Pictures?

North Korea has been blamed as the number one suspect for organizing the numerous cyber attacks carried out against Sony however, the country has denied any involvement.

Despite this denial, Guardians of Peace, the hacker group that is behind the attacks, issued the following statement-

“Stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism which can break the regional peace and cause the war! The destiny of Sony is totally up to the wise reaction and measure of Sony.”

The movie they are referring to is of course, “The Interview” which is a comedy, starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, about the assassination of North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un.

North Korean UN envoy, Ja Song-Nam also commented that there would be “merciless response” if the film was not cancelled.

Another North Korean official also stated when asked if they were responsible for the attacks, “wait and see,” which is ambiguous to say the least.

One interesting fact is that Guardians of Peace also deny sending threatening emails to employees, saying that they were not responsible for that.

“We know nothing about the threatening email received by Sony staffers, but you should wisely judge by yourself why such things are happening and who is responsible for it.”

GOP also continued that they had given clear demands to the management team at Sony but they have “refused to accept” which is why they are continuing releasing as much incriminating, embarrassing and confidential information as they can.

While it seems obvious that perhaps North Korea could be behind the attacks, it could seem a little too obvious.

Regardless the reason behind the attacks, one thing is for sure- The Interview will probably have the biggest blockbuster opening of the season. (Hey, in show business, no publicity is bad publicity….).

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