Amazon Offers their Own Virtual Currency on Androids

Amazon Coins (1)

Move over bitcoin, Amazon now has it’s own virtual currency which is now available to Android users.

Appropriately named, Coins, Amazon has been working to develop their own type of currency which can be used to purchase items on the Amazon App store.

Coins was first launched back in May of last year and was exclusively just for Kindle Fire tablets now, Coin has just been made available to Android users so they can purchase apps, games and in-app items.

Coins are now available in the US, UK and Germany and according to Amazon, they have been extremely popular amongst users due to the incentives and discounts.

“Since the launch of Amazon Coins, we’ve been amazed by the number of customers using Coins, as well as how many Coins they’re spending on apps and games,” Amazon Appstore Vice President Mike George said. “Because customers can earn Coins when they buy apps in Amazon’s Appstore, and because they can buy Coins themselves at up to a 10 percent discount, customers love the extra value they get when shopping in our Appstore.”

If you already have a balance of Coins they will automatically be transferred to your Android phone or tablet, all you have to do is make sure you have the latest version of the Amazon Appstore.


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