NYPD Twitter Campaign BackFires

NYPD twitter campaign

A Twitter campaign for the NYPD has backfired after users took it as an opportunity to post images of police brutality.

The New York Police Department decided to run a Twitter campaign in order to open up a new way of communication between the public and law enforcement.

“The NYPD is creating new ways to communicate effectively with the community. Twitter provides an open forum for an uncensored exchange and this is an open dialogue good for our city,”  stated the NYPD.

They then asked users to send pictures of the NYPD doing their job along with the hashtag #MyNYPD, however want it resulted in is many people posting images of police brutality along with sarcastic tweets.

OccupyWallStreetNYC tweeted, “Need a lift? The #NYPD’s got you! Free Delivery, Only at #myNYPD,” which went alongside a photo of four police officers carrying away a protestor in an alarming fashion.

Occupy Wall Street wasn’t the only one who posted controversial images, in fact the entire campaign quickly backfired for the police department however they have failed to make a comment.

While some images were bad, there were a few positive ones too with some people posting images of family members, spouses and friends in their uniforms along with comments that thanked them for their hard work.

The NYPD are not the only ones that had a Twitter campaign backfire. Back in 2012, McDonald asked users to post #McStories of their experience with the fast food chain but the images ended up portraying their food in a bad light.


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