April Fools’ Pranks Across the World Wide Web

april fools prank

It’s April Fools’ Day and the internet is not exempt from trying to trick unsuspecting users. Here are todays hottest pranks from around the web:

Google Maps announced that it is hiring a new position titled, “Pokemon Master”. The application processed includes being able to find Pokemon hidden all over the Googles Map app. To search for pikachu and others all you have to do is open the app, tap the search bar, look for the pokemon icon and then click start.

YouTube has identified the new trend for 2014, clocking. Clocking is when you show up in a location and stand there with your arms spread out like a clock. The longer you do it “the funnier and cooler it is” says YouTube. Many videos have already been submitted of people clocking.

Rosetta Stone, known for helping you to learn another language has now introduced Klingon. The imaginary language that will keep you entertained for hours.

Google Chrome App has been translating your words into emojis.

DominosĀ has been offering edible pizza boxes. Forget the cardboard box, now you can have an environmentally friendly and super tasty experience.

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